Are you bored with everyday spaghetti and sauce try this Jollof Spaghetti – An easy to make recipe with just a couple of ingredients and your lunch or dinner table is set.

Jollof Spaghetti is a versatile dish as you can choose from a variety of mince meat, prawns , beef or chicken . This recipe is almost the same as making the Mince Beef spaghetti jellof recipe . I only added a little twist to this recipe to make it a more suited for Spaghetti.
Note: My mixed vegetables consist of Carrots, Green Beans, and Peas. I also added some sweet corn but feel free to use any choice of Vegetables.
1 packet of spaghetti
1 bottle to tomatoe and basil sauce
1 bottle of garlic and onion sauce
beef steak
1 red and 1 yellow sweet pepper
mixed vegetables
2 maggi cubes
1 tbsp parsley
1 large red onion ( sliced )
vegetable oil
1 tbsp butter
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