A delicious drink made out of hibiscus petals, known as “Folere” in Cameroon, “Zobo” in Nigeria and “Sorrel” in Jamaica. We always have this in the fridge as its very nutritious and full of goodness . This red goodness is made out of hibiscus sabdariffa (scientific name) and served with ice cubes . It is an inexpensive drink that can be served to guests at home or at a party. Here are some nutritional benefits of hibiscus.

Relief from high blood pressure
Relief from cholesterol
It speeds metabolism to help in gradual weight loss
It helps cure liver disease and reduces the risk of cancer.
Great for anaemia and helps to increase blood levels.
It does so much more ( Google is your friend )
Folere has a natural sour taste so you might want to add in something sweet like sugar to give it the perfect blend. I paired mine with fresh ginger , an orange and pineapple for a little bit of spice and vitamin c. Other natural ingredients can also be added to your drink such as cinnamon, lemon (note that lemon is sour too so you might want to leave this out except if you like your drink very sour. Fruits such as strawberry, banana can also boost the taste of your drink which is optional. The possibility of this drink and flavours is endless . My recipe consists of fresh ginger, pineapple and an orange as fruits including sugar to brek down the sour taste of the hibiscus flower.
1 packet of hibiscus flour
mint leaves
1 orange
1 cup of sugar. . Honey can also be used which is optional
black pepper
1/4 ginger
whole pineapple
vanilla flavouring
4 to 6 cups of water for soaking leaves overnight.
Soak your hibiscus flour overnight for more flavour when boiling.
The next morning boil with pineapple chunks, mint leaves
Blend the ginger, pineapple.
Once the hibiscus flower juice is boiled, set aside and chill.
In a seperate bowl, shift the blended ginger, pineapple to separate the bits and add the black pepper and orange juice liquid
Add the juice flavour in the cooled hibiscus flower juice and share the juice in separate bottles using a measuring cup. I,ll recommend a jar with measurements which is great for drinks https://www.manchesterwholesale.co.uk/products/assorted-colour-plastic-measuring-cups-for-multi-purpose-use?ref=r5ukccad8ra5
Folere is ready !
Watch me make the drink