Quinoa creates a comforting porridge, ideal for a protein-rich breakfast. Add your preferred berries, nuts, or fruit on top.
1 cup quinoa
2 tablespoons brown sugar, honey, or maple syrup, adjust to taste
1-1/2 cups milk. Soy, almond, or rice milk can be used.
Fresh fruit, berries, and/or chopped nuts, for serving

Soak the quinoa in cool water for 20 minutes to soften, then drain and rinse.

Put the quinoa in a medium saucepan with 2 cups of cool water, the sugar, and a pinch of salt. Bring to a simmer, cover and cook for 10 minutes.
optional options - Cinnamon sticks, cloves, chia seeds, almond flakes
Add the milk and cook, partially covered, until soft, another 10 minutes.

Serve topped with fruit, nuts, banana, and more brown sugar or maple syrup, if you like.

Prep time: 10 to 15 mins.